Shapes 2

SALT keeps up to date with the latest in technology, policy and best practices in engineering to provide up-to-date, expert advice to clients in both the public and private sectors.

Shapes 1
Group 353

Corporate Social Responsibility 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is part of what’s called the “Triple Bottom Line”…

Group 354

E-Waste banned from landfill

E-Waste banned from landfill What is E-Waste Electronic waste, or ‘e-waste’, describes electrical or electronic equipment with…

Group 355

Victorian Planning Provisions (VPP) – Amendment VC148

Victorian Planning Provisions (VPP) - Amendment VC148 Amendment VC148, gazetted 31st July 2018, has been touted as the biggest…

Group 356

Traffic Engineering and Waste Management For Smarter Planning Approvals

Traffic Engineering and Waste Management For Smarter Planning Approvals “Traffic Engineering and Waste Management For Smarter…

Group 353

Waste Challenge | Plastic Free July

Waste Challenge | Plastic Free July Waste, E-Waste, single-use plastics and food waste all end up in landfills, which is a…

Group 354

Walking & Riding, Faster Than You Think

Walking & Riding, Faster Than You Think We are all guilty of driving two minutes down the street, not being able to find a…

Group 353

Encouraging Community Connection

Encouraging Community Connection“Fighting my first real fire was scary. We got too close. I could hear the roar of the fire…

Group 354

Learning from ITEANZ

Learning from ITEANZThree of Melbourne’s most credentialed traffic and transport pioneers were sharing their knowledge at…

Group 356

Green Cities Conference 2018

Green Cities Conference 2018 Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the Green Cities Conference, organised by the Property…

Run for Poverty 2018 1

Run From Poverty 2018

Run From Poverty 2018 One Heart is a group of purpose driven professionals that have come together with the vision of breaking…

Waste Team Expands interview with rachel heriot

Waste Team Expands – Interview with Rachel Heriot

Waste Team Expands - Interview with Rachel Heriot “Environmental Engineering is a new service offered at SALT. How did this…

our new office interview with jarrod wicks

Our New Office – Interview with Jarrod Wicks

Our New Office - Interview with Jarrod Wicks I haven’t yet seen the new office, tell me about it? The new office is great! We…