Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

SALT’s ESD team brings over 30 years of combined industry experience providing sustainable design solutions to a multitude of development projects, covering residential, industrial, public facilities and large-scale mixed-use developments.

We provide sustainable design advice at any stage of a project, from concept through to completion and beyond. Early involvement in a project provides the greatest opportunity to ensure the project exceeds the required sustainability outcomes in energy efficiency, integrated water management, waste reduction and resource recovery, sustainable materials selection, indoor environmental quality and sustainable transport.

Our professional services cover all facets of environmental sustainability in the building industry and enable us to improve environmental outcomes as well add value to projects for our clients.

Services we offer:


Sustainable Design in the Planning Process

Most planning jurisdictions in Australia require some consideration of sustainable design in the planning application process. Many Councils require a Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) or Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) report to be prepared by an experienced ESD consultant to demonstrate how the proposal will achieve energy and water efficiency, stormwater management, a healthy indoor environment, ecological sustainability and selection of low emissions materials. The sustainability credentials of a proposed development are often assessed through a rating system such as BESS (Victoria only), Green Star, Enviro Development and NABERS.

Our team has experience in preparing SMP and SDA reports for all types of developments and can assist with formal sustainability ratings where required using the latest ESD ratings tools.


Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Reports

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) ensures that stormwater is responsibly managed and that best practice water quality objectives are met.

SALT uses a variety of stormwater assessment tools including STORM and InSite Water to determine the stormwater management and treatment solutions necessary for a proposed site to achieve the required water quality treatment standards. The assessment process considers the site area, location, building use, treatment types and sizes and surface treatments to produce a report to support permit applications.


Green Travel Plans

Many Councils require a Green Travel Plan to be submitted at the planning / development application stage to demonstrate how a project will encourage use of sustainable transport methods such as cycling, walking, public transport and car share schemes. Through effective sustainable transport planning many environmental, social and health benefits can be achieved.

Our experienced traffic engineering team can also advise on providing for future Electric Vehicle integration to meet planning scheme requirements.


Green Star

Green Star is an internationally recognised rating system founded by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) .

Green Star buildings use up to 66% less energy and 51% less water that average buildings and have been demonstrated to achieve long term economic benefits for investors, tenants and occupants.

The SALT team of Green Star Accredited Professionals have experience in delivering Green Star certification on a variety of projects and can help to guide you through the assessment and certification process.

Contact us for more details of how Green Star can benefit your project.

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Daylight Assessment and Modelling

Daylight modelling is often required to demonstrate that the required levels of natural light are achieved in multi-unit residential and commercial developments.

SALT provides all levels of assessment from simple daylight calculations through to complex modelling of multi-level buildings using the latest daylight simulation software.


Thermal Comfort Analysis

The thermal comfort of a building is important for the overall health, wellbeing and productivity of building occupants. A well-designed building with appropriate thermal control will ensure that an occupant neither feels too hot or too cold.

SALT assists building designers produce a comfortable building with lower heating and cooling energy usage through conducting thermal comfort modelling at the design stage. We can advise on suitable glazing and shading systems, natural ventilation requirements and building insulation to moderate the internal temperature of a building and improve thermal comfort outcomes for occupants.


Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS)

The Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS) is a sustainability assessment tool used in Victoria for demonstrating the sustainable performance of a proposed development at the planning stage. It was developed by the Victorian Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) in order to assist developers and builders to ensure that sustainable design requirements are met at the planning stage.

The BESS tool evaluates a building against several criteria covering energy and water efficiency, indoor environment quality (ventilation, daylight access, shading, etc.), sustainable transport and waste management. A BESS report is typically required to be submitted along with an SMP or SDA report for a planning application.
SALT understands each Council’s ESD requirements and can guide applicants to achieve the necessary sustainability requirements. Contact us to find out more.


Energy Ratings (NatHERS assessment)

The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) uses a 10 star rating system to assess the thermal performance of residential dwellings across Australia. A minimum star rating is required for all new houses and apartments (Class 1 and 2 buildings) built in Australia to comply with the National Construction Code (NCC).

NatHERS modelling software is used to assess the thermal performance of a proposed dwelling. The building’s predicted heating and cooling energy requirements are determined through modelling and a star rating indicates the energy efficiency of the dwelling. Improved thermal performance can be achieved through selection of appropriate glazing and insulation to suit the local climate.

SALT can advise on selection of glazing and insulation to achieve the NatHERS star ratings required under the NCC and our accredited assessors can prepare certified ratings using NatHERS approved modelling software for the building permit.


Section J Reports (DTS and JV3)

A Section J report is typically required to achieve construction approval through a construction/building certificate. Section J of the national construction code (NCC) deals with the energy efficiency requirements of commercial buildings of Class 2-9.

The SALT team can assist clients in demonstrating Section J compliance either through the Deemed to Satisfy (DTS) method or alternatively by using the JV3 reference building verification method.
The DTS method assesses compliance against the energy efficiency requirements relevant to the building class and climate zone for the following:

Part J1 – Building Fabric
Part J2 – Glazing
Part J3 – Building Sealing
Part J5 – Air conditioning and Ventilation Systems
Part J6 –Artificial Lighting and Power
Part J7 – Hot Water Supply, Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Plant
Part J8 – Maintenance and Monitoring Facilities

JV3 Assessment is an alternative method of demonstrating compliance with Section J, used when a building’s design does not meet the Deemed to Satisfy (DtS) requirements under the National Construction Code (NCC). JV3 can also be used to achieve cost-efficiencies in materials selection as it allows for greater flexibility in the design process.

Contact us to find out more.

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