Traffic Management Sydney

Why choose SALT?

The SALT traffic engineering team is armed with the technical skills and experience to meet your traffic planning needs – whether you are looking to get your planning application approved by council or improve the traffic flow of an existing site.

Our team is fully certified to authorise Traffic Management Plans, Construction Traffic Management Plans and Special Event Transport Management Plans.

With ongoing projects across Sydney and regional New South Wales, we are intimately familiar with state and Australian standards. We work in tandem with local councils and infrastructure agencies such as RMS to ensure your development adheres to all guidelines and regulations.

Our Traffic Management Plans can help you:

  • Achieve outcomes that align with council and RMS guidelines
  • Ensure safety while your site is under construction
  • Maximise traffic flow
  • Minimise disruption to residents and business

If you need a tailored Traffic Management Plan for your project, call SALT Sydney today on +61 2 9068 7995.